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int string string                           create string of length int

string length int                           number of elements in string

string index get int                        get string element indexed by index

string index int put -                      put int into string at index

string index count getinterval substring    substring of string starting
                                            at index for count elements

string1 index string2 putinterval -         replace substring of string1
                                            starting at index by string2

string1 string2 copy substring2             copy elements of string1 to
                                            initial substring of string2

string proc forall -                        execute proc for each element of

string seek anchorsearch (post match true)        determine if seek is
                      or (string false)           initial substring of string

string seek search (post match pre true)    search for seek in string
                or (string false)

string token (post token true) or (false)   read token from start of string

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson