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any1 any2 eq bool                           test equal

any1 any2 ne bool                           test not equal

num1 | str1 num2 | str2 ge bool             test greater or equal

num1 | str2 num2 | str2 gt bool             test greater than

num1 | str1 num2 | str2 le bool             test less or equal

num1 | str1 num2 | str2 lt bool             test less than

bool1 bool2 and bool3                       logical and

int1 int2 and int3                          bitwise and

bool1 not bool2                             logical not

int1 not int2                               bitwise not

bool1 bool2 or bool3                        logical inclusive or

int1 int2 or int3                           bitwise inclusive or

bool1 bool2 xor bool3                       logical exclusive or

int1 bool2 xor int3                         bitwise exclusive or

- true true                                 push boolean value true

- false false                               push boolean value false

int1 shift bitshift int2                    bitwise shift of int1
                                            (positive is left)

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson