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You are on auxiliary power. Server will go down in nn minutes.

Occurs only on servers with SFT II and TTS.

      Meaning:  This message is displayed on all workstations  attached
                to the server.  This message indicates that the  normal
                AC power has been disrupted and that file server is  now
                running on auxiliary battery backup power.  This message
                also indicates that the server will be shut down within
                the  displayed number of minutes unless normal AC power
                is  restored.  This is not a fatal error message but
                only a  warning to the users attached to the server.
                This is one of  the few error messages that is generated
                at the server and  broadcast to all workstations.

      Cause:  Normal AC power has been disrupted and the file  server is
              operating from UPS battery backup.

      Solution:  No action is necessary.  You will be notified  again 1
                 minute before the server goes down or when normal
                 power is restored.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson