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The Network is inactive or you are not connected properly.

      Meaning:  This error will only occur as the shell is being  loaded
                and initialized.  This message is generated after the
                shell has successfully attached to the file server but
                is  unable to complete its initialization process
                because it can  no longer communicate with the file

      Cause:  This error message can be caused by a bad or  improper
              cable, terminator, or LAN interface card.

      Solution:  Ensure that the cable connections are tight and  that
                 the LAN interface card is seated properly.  Ensure that
                 the cables and terminators are good and of the proper
                 value.  Also ensure that the correct shell and driver
                 are being used  and then attempt to load the shell

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson