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Network Error on Server <servername>:<error>
      Abort or Retry?

      Meaning:  This message indicates that the specified network
                <error> occurred during communication with the file
                server  named <servername>.

      Cause:  These errors are usually caused by improperly  accessing
              the network.  Several of these errors will never  be seen
              and only exist for consistency checking of NetWare
              packets.  The more common errors are usually caused by
              hardware problems on the network.  Improper bus
              termination,  exceeding maximum distance limitations, and
              broken or bad  cables and connectors can all contribute to
              these errors.

      Solution:  Press the "R" key to retry the operation.  If the
                 problem persists, look up the specific <error> message
                 below  to help determine the actual cause and arrive at
                 a solution  of the problem.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson