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Network Error: <error> during <operation>.  File = <drive>:<filename>
        Abort, Retry? or Abort, Retry, Fail?

      Meaning:  This message indicates that the specified  <operation>
                could not be performed because of the specified
                <error>.  The <drive>:<filename> specify the drive and
                filename on which the error condition occurred.  If the
                <drive> is specified as "PUBLIC:," then the file is
                located  on a search drive.

      Cause:  A function call or DOS interrupt was called and the
              specified operation could not be performed.  This error
              can  be caused by many different situations.  It could
              indicate  problems in the file server setup and operation
              or in the  applications programs being used.

      Solution:  Press the "R" key to retry the operation.  If the
                 problem persists, look up the specific <error> message
                 below  to help determine the actual cause and arrive at
                 a solution  of the problem.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson