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Net Driver Crash: <driver error message>

      Meaning:  This message indicates that the LAN driver linked  to
                the shell has encountered an ABEND (ABnormal END)
                condition and has halted processing.  An ABEND condition
                is  one in which continued processing by the shell may
                cause  further problems to the system.  "Net Driver
                Crash" errors  are always fatal and always halt the
                workstation.  The  <driver error message> is specific to
                the LAN driver linked  with the shell and may give some
                indication of the cause of  the problem.

      Cause:  This error should never occur and is usually the  result
              of a failed internal consistency check in the LAN  driver.
              If this error is displayed, it means that an
              unrecoverable error condition has been encountered.
              Usually, this points to a hardware problem with the LAN
              interface card or to memory corruption in the workstation.

      Solution:  Attempt to determine the possible cause from the
                 displayed <driver error message>.  Reboot the
                 workstation.  If the error occurs repeatedly, check for
                 hardware problems  in the LAN interface card and in the

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson