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A File Server could not be found.

       Meaning:  This indicates that the shell could find no file server
                 to attach to as it was being loaded and initialized.

       Cause:  This message can be caused by a variety of problems that
               prevent the workstation from communicating with a file
               server as  the shell is loaded.  Bad or improperly
               configured shells or LAN  interface cards can generate
               this error.  Problems with the  network, file servers, or
               the workstation's connection to the  network can also
               cause this problem.

       Solution:  Ensure that the LAN interface card in the file server
                  is good and is jumpered correctly.  Ensure that the
                  shell is  properly configured and linked to the
                  correct LAN driver.  Ensure that the workstation is
                  properly connected to the network.  Check to make sure
                  that the rest of the network is up and functioning
                  properly.  Ensure that at least one active file server
                  is  connected to the network and that it is configured
                  with an  adequate number of router buffers.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson