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Non-dedicated Server not running on top of DOS.

    Occurs on:  ND286 only.

    Meaning:  As it was booting, Nondedicated NetWare 286 discovered
              that it had not been started in a DOS environment.  This
              is a fatal error and will halt the file server.  This
              message will then be continuously displayed.

    Cause:  When Nondedicated Netware 286 starts to initialize and set
            up the file server, it checks to make sure that DOS has been
            loaded. The Non-dedicated operating system requires DOS in
            order for it to task switch between the NetWare file server
            (running in 286 protected mode) and the DOS workstation
            (running in 286 real mode).

    Solution:  Boot the system with IBM compatible DOS before attempting
               to start up Nondedicated Netware 286.  Do not attempt to
               use Nondedicated Netware 286 with any other operating

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