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Address change detected for SERVERNAME

  Occurs on:  ND286, SFT I, SFT II, TTS.

  Meaning:  The Internetwork Number (Network Address) for the file
            server named SERVERNAME has been changed.  This message does
            not necessarily signal an error condition.  It is only a
            notice to the system manager that an address change has been
            detected.  This message is displayed on the system consoles
            of all file servers on the internetwork that detect the
            change.  It is important to remember that the server's
            address is the address that LAN A is set to.  Therefore, an
            internetwork number change in LAN B, C, or D will not
            generate this message.

    Cause:  This message is generated on other file servers if all of
            the following steps are performed within about 15 minutes.
            The server is brought down, and either the network address
            for LAN A is changed on the server with the SCONFIG utility,
            or an operating system with a different LAN A network
            address is installed.  The file server is then rebooted.

         This same message can be generated if the node address for the
         file server is changed either by changing the switches (if the
         node address is switch selectable), or by changing the LAN
         interface card.

         This message could also be generated if multiple servers on the
         same internetwork have the same name.  These servers would
         appear to the rest of the internetwork as one server that was
         constantly changing its address.  This would cause the
         internetwork to behave erratically.

    Solution:  This is not necessarily an error and no action may be
         necessary.  This message may be helpful in determining problems
         on the internetwork such as multiple file servers with the same
         name.  All file servers on an internetwork must have a unique
         name.  This message can also help diagnose erratic problems on
         the internetwork with file servers running NetWare versions prior
         to SFT 2.0a.  Versions of NetWare prior to this release could get
         stuck in a tight loop, broadcasting routing information over the
         internet when the server discovered that another server's address
         had been changed.  This would cause problems on the
         internetwork, such as not being able to see or login to various
         servers.  This message displayed on a server on the internetwork
         would indicate the server that had changed its address.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson