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Occurs on:  86 and 286.

Meaning:  This error indicates that the file server did not have enough
          available memory in which to hash all of the directories of
          the mounted volumes.  To hash a directory, NetWare requires 1
          kilobyte of memory for each directory block (8 bytes per
          directory entry) on the volume.  This is not a fatal error and
          the file server will continue to run although it may be slower
          because the volume's directory is not hashed.

Cause:  The file server does not have enough dynamic memory available to
        it or the server is attempting to mount more disk space
        (volumes) than it can support with the memory that it has.  This
        error could also be generated as a result of a failure in high
        memory which would cause the file server to think that it has
        less memory installed.

Solution:  Make sure that the file server has plenty of memory available
           for directory caching in addition to the memory used by other
           portions of NetWare.  Check that the file server's memory is
           good.  If no problems are found, then add more memory to the
           file server.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson