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Occurs on:  68, 86, and 286.

Cause:  This message occurs when attempting to DISMOUNT a removable
        volume and at least one work station connected to the file
        server still has open files on that volume.

Solution:  Answer "no" to the question and then have all of the
           workstations close all files on that volume before attempting
           to DISMOUNT the volume again.  If a workstation has somehow
           "crashed", use the CLEAR STATION command on the station to
           close that workstation's files.  Answering "yes" to
           "DISMOUNT?" will close all files such that their format will
           be intact and DISMOUNT the volume regardless.  However, if
           the station was in the middle of a transaction or a file
           update, the files could be saved with incorrect data.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson