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NMI interrupt.

Occurs on:  286 only.  This is an Abend error.

Meaning:  The Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) is interrupt 2 in the 286
          CPU.  This error will occur if the 286 CPU receives a pulse on
          its NMI line but is unable to identify the source of it.  This
          interrupt should never occur in NetWare.

Cause:  This error is most often caused by incorrectly configuring the
        cards in the file server such that I/O and/or memory conflicts
        occur.  See Technical Bulletin #140.  The I/O base address 340H
        cannot be used because the DCB uses it.  A second DCB utilizes
        I/O base address 348H.  A memory address of E000H or above
        cannot be used on any 286 machine.

Solution:  Eliminate I/O and memory conflicts by reconfiguring the
           boards in the file server.  See Technical Bulletin #140.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson