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Network Operating System software is not serialized for this hardware.

Occurs on:  286 only.  This is an Abend error.

Meaning:  The NetWare operating system serial number and the hardware
          serial number of the Novell key card or Disk Coprocessor Board
          (DCB) do not correspond to each other.

Cause:  The file server that NetWare is being installed on must have a
        key card or a DCB with the same serial number as the operating

Solution:  Ensure that the file server has a key card or a DCB installed
           in it that has the same serial number as the software that is
           being installed on it.  If this error occurs on a 286 system
           containing a DCB but without a disk subsystem such that you
           are effectively using the DCB as a key card, the file server
           cannot read the serial number off of the DCB.  This error can
           be resolved by adding a disk subsystem or by the following
           modification:  Jumper pins 23 and 25 together on the 50 pin
           connector of the Disk Coprocessor Board so that it appears to
           have a disk connected to it.  The server will then be able to
           read the serial number correctly.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson