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Invalid memory size parameter.$

Occurs on:  86 only.

Meaning:  This error is generated by NetWare/86 when the operating
          system detects less than 384k of memory in the file server.
          This is a fatal error and will halt the server.

Cause:  The file server does not have enough memory.  This error may
        also occur if there is a hardware failure in the server's high
        memory.  This will make the server to appear to have less memory
        than it really has.

Solution:  Install more memory in the file server so that it has at
           least 384k.  If the server has over 384k of memory installed
           and continues to generate this error, check to see that the
           memory is good.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson