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Configured printer not found.

Occurs on:  86 and 286.

Meaning:  This error is displayed on the server console as the server
          boots if it cannot access the communication port assigned to a
          printer that is configured on the system.  This is not a fatal
          error and the server will continue to come up.

Cause:  This error could be caused by a bad or missing communications
        port.  This error could also be caused by a printer
        configuration that has been INSTALLed that does not agree with
        the present file server hardware configuration.

Solution:  Ensure that the file server has all of the communication
           ports installed that are configured for printers in the
           operating system.  If a communication port has been removed
           from the file server, run the INSTALL utility and remove the
           printer that was using that port from the operating system.
           If the communications port is installed in the file server
           and you still get this error, check and repair or replace the

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson