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286 detected a memory failure in Disk CoProcessor

Occurs on:  286 only.  This is an Abend error.

Meaning:  This error indicates that a memory failure was detected
          in the dual-ported static RAM on a Disk CoProcessor (DCB)
          board by the 286 CPU.  When a server is booting, the 286 CPU
          performs a small memory test on the DCB RAM after the DCB has
          passed all of its internal self diagnostics.

Cause:  This error can be caused by poor connections between the DCB and
        the mother board, by poor power supply regulation, or by a
        memory failure on the DCB.

Solution:  Clean the connector on the DCB and reseat the card.  Check
           the power supply to make sure that clean, properly regulated
           DC is reaching the DCB.  Replace the DCB if necessary.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson