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        AH = 52h
Return: ES:BX points to DOS list of lists

List of Lists:
Bytes   Value
-2&-1   Segment of first memory control block
0-3     Pointer to first DOS disk block (see func 36h)
4-7     Partially Unknown. Pointer to a device driver. Maybe first
               resident driver?
8-B     Pointer to CLOCK$ device driver, whether installable or
C-F     Pointer to actual CON: device driver, whether installable
               or resident
-----DOS 2.x
10      Number of logical drives in system
11-12   Maximum bytes/block of any block device
13-16   unknown
17      Beginning (not a pointer. The real beginning!) of NUL device
           driver. This is the first device on DOS's linked list
           of device drivers.
-----DOS 3.x
10-11   Maximum bytes/block of any block device (0200h)
12-15   Unknown. Pointer to current directory block????
16-19   Partially Undefined: Pointer to array of drive info:
               51h bytes per drive, starting with A: ...
               00-3F Current path as ASCIIZ, starting with 'x:\'
               40-43 Unknown. I see zeros always
               44    Unknown. Flags? I see 40h, except for
                       entry after last valid entry = 00h
               45-48 Pointer to DOS Disk Block for this drive
               49-4A Unknown. Current track or block? -1 if never
               4B-4E Unknown. I see -1 always
               4F-52 Unknown. I see 2 always
1A-1D   Unknown. Pointer to data area, maybe including cluster
               allocation table?
1E-1F   Unknown. I see zero always
20      Number of block devices.
21      Value of LASTDRIVE command in CONFIG.SYS (default 5)
22      Beginning (not a pointer. The real beginning!) of NUL device
           driver. This is the first device on DOS's linked list
           of device drivers.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson