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    The COLOR keyword uses the following syntax:

    COLOR  <colorspec>
    COLOUR <colorspec>
        <colorspec> = <window> <part> <colors>
            <window> : AREA, ASK, BACKGROUND, BRAG, HEADER, HELP,
                       INFO, MENU, READER, SHADOW, STATUS.
                       INPUT, KLUDGE, NOSELECT, ORIGIN, QUOTE,
                       SELECTOR, TEARLINE, TITLE, WINDOW.
            <colors> : [blinking] <ink> [on <paper>].
                <ink>   : Black, Blue, Green, Cyan, Red, Magenta,
                          Brown, LGrey, DGrey, LBlue, LGreen, LCyan,
                          LRed, LMagenta, Yellow, White.
                          (Monocrome:) Normal, Highlight, Reverse,
                <paper> : Black, Blue, Green, Cyan, Red, Magenta,
                          Brown, LGrey.

    The SHADOW color does not need a <part>.

    The paper color defaults to the last paper color, starting Black.

    If <part> is "BTYPE", the <color> is a value in the range 0-3,
    which defines the type of lines used when drawing menus and

        BTYPE 0 is single horizontal and single vertical lines.
        BTYPE 1 is double horizontal and double vertical lines.
        BTYPE 2 is single horizontal and double vertical lines.
        BTYPE 3 is double horizontal and single vertical lines.

    The default is always BTYPE 0.

    The following is a description of the different window parts:

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson