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    Syntax for external area configuration:

    AREA -FILE DBridge      [-S<sortspec>]
        Reads the DBRIDGE.AA1/.AA2 or DBRIDGE.ADF files.

    AREA -FILE FrontDoor    [-S<sortspec>]  [AREAS.BBS file(s)]
        Reads the FD.SYS and FOLDER.SYS files.

    AREA -FILE Opus         [-S<sortspec>]  [path]
        Reads the Opus 1.1x SYSTEM??.DAT files.

    AREA -FILE QuickBBS     [-S<sortspec>]  [AREAS.BBS file(s)]
        Reads the CONFIG.BBS file.

    AREA -FILE RemoteAccess [-S<sortspec>]  [AREAS.BBS file(s)]
        Reads the MESSAGES.RA file.

    AREA -FILE AreasBBS     [-S<sortspec>]  [AREAS.BBS file(s)]
        Reads CONFMAIL/QBBS style AREAS.BBS files.

    AREA -FILE ME2 [-S<sortspec>] <AREADESC.ME2> [AREAS.BBS file(s)]
        Reads the ME2 editor AREADESC.ME2 file and AREAS.BBS files.

    AREA -FILE IMail        [-S<sortspec>]  [path]
        Reads the IMAIL.CF and IMAIL.AR files.
            NOTE: The IMail support covers version 1.00 - 1.10. Newer
            versions will be supported in the future.

    AREA -FILE TosScan      [-S<sortspec>]
        Reads the FD.SYS and AREAFILE.FD files.

    AREA -FILE Dutchie      [-S<sortspec>]  [path]
        Reads the DUTCHIE.ARE file.

    AREA -FILE Maximus      [-S<sortspec>]  [path\filename]
        Reads the AREA.DAT file.

    See the AREASORT keyword for definition of <sortspec>. Sorting
    here is only useful you *don't* use the AREASORT keyword, because
    if you use AREASORT, *all* areas will be sorted.

    If no path is specified, the AREAPATH is used to find the files.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson