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Q U I C K   I N S T A L L A T I O N

    GoldED is a very complex program with many options meant for
    experienced users. If you have been using GoldED before, or
    consider yourself a configuration wizard, go ahead and use the
    advanced configuration provided. It contains just about *all* the
    possible configuration options available, and has been known to be
    hard nut to crack even for experienced users!

    For new and/or inexperienced users, a simple standard setup has
    been provided to get you going fairly painlessly.

    This is a step-by-step procedure for quick installation:

    *   Make a new directory. GoldED uses a lot of files, and it is a
        good idea to keep them in a place for themselves.

    *   Move all the files in the distribution archive to the new

    Simple configuration:
    *   Edit GOLDED.CFG to fit your setup.
    *   Run GOLDLANG.EXE to compile various configfiles.
    *   Run GOLDNODE.EXE to compile your nodelists or userlists.
    *   Run GOLDED.EXE.

    And that's it! However, as soon as you are familiar with the
    simple configuration, you should take a look at the advanced
    stuff, because there many interesting and useful things there!

    Advanced configuration:
    *   Run ADVANCED.EXE to unpack the advanced configuration.
    *   Edit GOLDED.CFG and GOLDED.ARE to fit your setup.
    *   Run GOLDLANG.EXE to compile various configfiles.
    *   Run GOLDNODE.EXE to compile your nodelists/userlists.
    *   Run GOLDED.EXE.

    Good luck!

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson