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    NODELIST [path]<file> [zone]
        [path] = Path to the file. Default is NODEPATH.
        <file> = Nodelist file. If extension is numeric, the newest
                 file with with numeric extension is used.
        [zone] = Default zone for the nodelist (if no zone info is

        Here you define the nodelists that are used by GoldED. The
        nodelists must be in the standard nodelist format, but they
        can also contain FrontDoor style Boss/Point extensions. The
        default zone is defined by the first ADDRESS or AKA, but can
        be overridden by adding the zone number after the filename.
        GoldED needs special index files to use the nodelists. These
        index files are created by the GoldNODE nodelist compiler.

        >>> See also the USERLIST keyword.
        >>> See the Nodelist Browsing section for details.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson