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News and version history of GoldED

Please read this carefully. It contains important information about
bugfixes, changes and new features since the previous versions.

Arranged with the newest notes first.

Notes for GoldED 2.31, released 28 april, 1991:

This release is a primarily a maintenance bugfix release that fixes
most of the bugs reported for version 2.30. There are also a few new

Files in this archive (GOLD231U.ARJ):

    README.DOC      The file you are reading now.
    GOLDED.EXE      The bugfixed GoldED.
    GOLDLANG.EXE    The bugfixed GoldLANG.
    GOLDNODE.EXE    The bugfixed GoldNODE.
    ISO_IBM.CHS     A modified CHARSET table which provides better
                    mixing of LATIN-1 and IBM characters in the same
                    area. Useful in local areas where Amiga and IBM is
                    used together.
    REGISTER.*      Updated versions of the registration forms,
                    including the new Australian registration site.

For documentation, configuration examples etc., please get the
original version 2.30 release archive (GOLD230.EXE).

News, changes and fixes in this release:

+   New keyword: "CHANGEDATE <yes,no>". If set, GoldED will set the
    message date to the current, when you change messages. The default
    setting is <No> - do not change the message date.

!   I have removed the restrictions on most of the restricted
    features. Only the restriction on tearline definition is is still
    in place.

-   You can now specify a full node address after the NODELIST
    filenames, instead of just the zone - like this: "NODELIST
    NODELIST.999 2:231/77". The address, if specified, will be the
    default for the nodelist. If no address is specified, the first
    ADDRESS or AKA is used instead. This feature was added to enable
    the use of D'Bridge-style pointlists, which (I'm told) only
    consists of the point's nodelist lines, without any Host etc.

-   GoldNODE could hang while "Sorting by name". This bug has only
    been partially fixed, by rearranging some internal memory
    allocations. This means that there may be situations where
    GoldNODE makes an error-exit after reading the nodelists. If that
    happens consistenly, you can specify a new commandline parameter
    to GoldNODE, "-X", which will pre-allocate memory so that it will
    'not* run out of memory and error-exit. Please note, however, that
    it could slow down compiling (or rather sorting) quite a bit, if
    you are using a big nodelist or running in a tight memory space.

-   When copying or moving very big messages, GoldED could go dead -
    or seem to, at least. This has been fixed. An unfortunate
    side-effect is that it takes slightly longer to load a message in
    the QBBS messagebase (the old load-method was quick'n'dirty). A
    good side-effect is that copying or moving generally should be a
    bit faster now.

!   If you are a point, and the POINTNET keyword is defined, GoldED
    will now always use the "fakenet" 2D address in the message
    header. Previously this method would only be used when writing to
    the boss. This should fix up problems with points using older
    versions of Dutchie.

!   The default value of SAVETIME (the internal editor auto-backup
    interval) is now 0 (zero), so that you can turn this feature off
    by just commenting out the keyword.

-   In the file selection menu, the FILEselect <Enter> command will
    now automatically select the current file, if no other files were
    selected. The subject line is now updated as soon as file
    selection is done. The parsing of the file specifications has been

-   AREA -FILE Dutchie is now fixed so that CR/LF at the end doesn't
    produce a garbage area.

-   The MATCHAKA feature now works a bit more intelligently.

>>> Notes for GoldED 2.31a, released 21 april, 1991:

+   When deleting or moving marked messages, GoldED now pops up a
    warning and asks for advice, if you were deleting/moving an unsent

-   When changing a message without text, GoldED would hang. This bug
    also had other sideeffects, which are now fixed (I think).

+   New keyword: "EDITMENU <yes,no>". Enables or disables the "Edit
    menu" that pops up right after header editing.

+   New keyword: "SAVEMENU <yes,no>". Enables or disables the "Save
    menu" that pops up right after exiting the editor (internal or

+   New keyword: "UNDELETELINES <lines>". Specifies how many lines to
    keep in the undelete buffer.

!   Expanded syntax of the BEEPYOURMAIL keyword: You can now also
    specify "Always" to make GoldED beep every time it encounters a
    message to you, even if it was already received.

+   GoldED now also recognizes the environment variable "DBRIDGE". It
    is equivalent to the "DB" environment var. From what I hear, the
    longer name is the official one.

-   The destination (TO:) address is no longer checked in local and
    echomail areas when determining if a message is to you. Now only
    the name is checked. In netmail areas, full checking is done.

-   GoldLANG produced badly indexed Random System files if an echo was
    assigned more than once. This is a long-standing bug, finally

+   Random System: New special item "L<localcharset>". This sets the
    default character set for each area. This is useful when you read
    certain areas where computers like Mac or Amiga are dominant
    (there you would define L<MAC> or L<LATIN-1>). This one's for you,
    Duncan! :-)

-   You can now change the subject in forwarded messages without
    affecting the forwarded subject.

!   Messagebase sharing now implemented (again). It should now be
    possible to run GoldED concurrently with a multitasking or
    networking RemoteAccess (or another compatible BBS), while a user
    is online. For the messagebase sharing to work, you must enable
    the SHARE keyword in the GoldED configuration, and run SHARE.EXE
    in DOS to install file sharing. In RA, please set the Multiline
    option to YES. NOTE: I have implemented this on the basis of
    descriptions given by Andrew Milner (RA author) and testing of the
    actual RA reactions, NOT by testing it in practice. I am pretty
    sure it works, but I haven't got multitasking/network myself, so I
    would very much like response on how well it works in practice.

-   There was a bug in the SHARE keyword, which could cause DOS to
    give "sharing violation" messages. GoldED will now instead
    (probably) give the S-O-S beeping concert and exit with an "Open
    Error". This *could* be handled more gracefully, I guess ;-)

-   If no destination address is specified, your own address or the
    Boss address will be used (ie. if your address is 2:231/77.10, the
    destination address would be 2:231/77.0).

-   Carbon Copies no longer gets a 0/0 origination address in the

-   Added a new menu item for the READwritemsg menu. Selecting the new
    item allows you to re-enter the filename if the file existed. This
    already worked in 2.30 if you pressed <ESC>.

-   Added CR/LF at exit for unregistered setups, so that the reminder
    won't mess up the prompt.

-   If you defined macros for the keys <Alt-A> to <Alt-Z>, they would
    only work once (until the attribute menu showed). They will now
    work as intended.

-   The Auto macro didn't work at all - it does now.

-   The help system now works in the attribute menu and the header

-   If there is only one (new) msg in a previously empty area, GoldED
    now shows "1 msg, 1 unread" in the statusline. In earlier
    versions, this would give "1 msg, 0 unread".

-   Double FMPT kludges are no longer inserted.

-   The PID is now only inserted if the tearline *does not* contain
    the string "GoldED" (case-insensitive) *and* the current version

-   Setting EMPTYTEARLINE now works as intended.

-   The default message attributes are now set correctly, also when
    using STARTECHO or the equivalent commandline option.

-   RENAREA now also works with IMail area definitions.

-   Disabling AREASORT will no longer cause mysterious area swaps in
    the area selection menu.

-   The TO: address is no longer displayed in local and echomail.
    Before, it would usually show your own address, which is wrong and

-   It is no longer fatal to enter an area with no messages. (The
    dreaded "0.MSG" bug. You can safely remove the dummy 0.MSG file

-   Using Address Macros in echomail will no longer make GoldED crash
    horribly :-)

-   The "Grey Enter" should now work as expected.

+   Added an extra line of diagnostics to the log. It shows the last
    error message issued by the internal DOS or compiler library
    functions. The message is not always relevant.

-   The internal default filenames of the SIGNALFILE QNETSCAN and
    QECHOSCAN were switched. This was only a problem if you commented
    out those configuration keywords entirely.

+   New keyword: "ROBOTNAME <name>". There are 4 built-in default
    "robot" names - AreaFix, AreaMgr, AreaLink and FileFix. With this
    new keyword you can define 6 more. The example advanced GOLDED.CFG
    also defines "Raid" and "ImlaList".


This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson