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S U P P O R T   C O N F E R E N C E

    Echoid GOLDED, available on all major backbones around the world.
    The author is present, and does his best to answer questions, well
    assisted by many enthusiastic users. Comments and suggestions are
    always welcome.

    Local support echos may be available in some nets/regions. Ask
    your Boss/Hub/NEC/REC/ZEC or the local registration site, if any.

    PLEASE NOTE: I receive a lot of netmail, and read a lot of
    echomail. This takes time. Lots of time. Answering my mail usually
    takes even *more* time. All the (net)mail takes time away from
    development of GoldED, so please consider if your questions could
    be answered by other users in your network or region instead.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson