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K N O W N   B U G S

    GoldEd contains a number of still unfixed bugs or semi-unsolvable
    problems. The following list is *not* complete.

    Internal editor
    The internal editor has many odd bugs, most prominently the line
    wrapping when editing at the end of lines and the block
    (cut/paste) functions. As you may know, the internal editor code
    is ported from the source of another editor, Msged 2.00, and the
    code was buggy from the start - my implementation did not make it
    much better... It is almost impossible to removed the bugs (I have
    tried many times), and I have resolved to simply write a
    completely new internal editor for a future version.

    Multitasking environment
    2.30:   It *is* possible to run GoldED and read/write mail, while
            a user is online on your networked or multitasking
            RA/Super/QuickBBS, but it is *NOT* safe! This is something
            I will surely be taking care of in a near future version.
    2.31:   In this version, I added code to support safe sharing of
            the messagebase. I'm not sure how well it works in
            practice, but preliminary reports indicate that it works
            as it should.

    Several users have experienced problems using the swapping
    facility in GoldED to shell to DOS or an external editor. Usually
    this is a result of conflicts between various EMS/XMS/extended
    memory managers. Try using SWAPALL DISK, this usually always work
    (if there is enough free disk ;-). You might also try turning off
    the OVERLAYEXT/EMS keywords, if you had them on.

    In at least one case, I have heard of conflicts between an
    overlayed version of Binkley, running in a multitasking
    environment with GoldED. Binkley and GoldED both seems to use and
    grab the same overlay manager interrupt...

    There are other bugs and problems, but I can't remember them right

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