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K L U D G E   L I N E S

    Kludge lines are special control lines, that begin with a ^a (01h)
    as the first character of the line, followed by a unique
    identifying name and the relevant control information.

    GoldED is aware of a lot of these kludges, and supports a number
    of them, if you want to have them inserted in your messages.

    Some kludges are useless junk and commercials for this and that
    software, but a few are useful for miscellaneous purposes. In the
    following, I will list the known and supported kludges, and a
    short description of what they are used for.

        This is not really a kludge, and it doesn't begin with a ^a,
        but I included it on the kludge list because it sometimes
        turned up in echomail areas where it should have been stripped
        off by the mail tosser.

    CC: <name> <address>
        When GoldED produces carbon copies, it adds to each message a
        full list of the persons who get a copy. One version of this
        list is hidden behind the CC: kludge.

    CHARSET:<charset identifier>
        Proposed in FSC-0050 and FSC-0054, this kludge is an attempt
        to find a solution to the problem of the high-bit characters
        (like the IBM PC vs Amiga vs Mac etc. national chars) in
        messages. GoldED can recognize, use and generate this kludge.

    CHRC:<font change id>
        Proposed in FSC-0054, this is a kludge for changing fonts,
        underlining and other stuff.

    CHRS:<charset identifier>
        Alternative FSC-0054 version of the CHARSET kludge.

        This one is not proposed anywhere, but it looks like it gives
        the address of the intended recipient. GoldED takes the
        address for the dest field.

    DOMAIN <destdomain> <destaddress> <origdomain> <origaddress>
        Proposed in FSC-0038, this tries to solve the problem of mail
        crossing domain boundaries. GoldED takes both addresses.

    EID:<crc16> <stamp> [replycrc16] <replystamp>
        Proposed in FSC-0031, this is used for dupe checking and reply
        linking. The EID is today generally considered as garbage, but
        a lot of older mail processors such as QMail still generate

    FLAGS <special attributes>
        Proposed in FSC-0053, this is a special netmail kludge used by
        the FrontDoor and D'Bridge mailers and the IMail mail

        processor. It provides extra attributes not found among the
        standard attributes in the normal message/packet headers.
        GoldED uses and generates this kludge, if you set the

    FMPT <from point>
        Defined in FTS-0001, this tells the Point number of the
        originator. Netmail only. GoldED can generate this line.

        Some sort of gating kludge. Don't know what it's for.

        I think this one comes from stray Groupmail messages. Similar
        to the AREA: kludge.

    I51 (no parameters)
        Proposed in FSC-0051, this indicates that the message text
        conforms to the ISO 8859-1 (LATIN-1) character set, and may
        contain certain escape codes. The ISO 8859-1 set is used by
        the Amiga, Window 3.0 and several mainframes. GoldED can
        recognize, use and generate this kludge.

    INTL <destaddress> <origaddress>
        Defined in FTS-0001, this one solves the problem of crossing
        Zone boundaries. Netmail only. GoldED can generate this line.

    MSGID: <origaddress> <serialno>
        Proposed in FSC-0041, this is a method for unique
        identification of a message. It can be used for dupe checking
        and replylinking. GoldED can generate this line.

    MSGTO: <destaddress>
        This one is not proposed anywhere, but it looks like it gives
        the address of the intended recipient. GoldED takes the
        address for the dest field.

    Original: <Carbon copy, original name>
        Generated by the FrontDoor FM editor when it produces carbon

    PATH: <list of nodes>
        Defined in FTS-0004, this is a valuable tool for finding dupe
        links and other structural faults in the net structures.
        Unfortunately the list of nodes is 2D (net/node), and this
        creates problems when exporting echomail across zones.

    PTH: <list of nodes>
        Not yet a FSC, this is a 4D-version of the PATH kludge.

    PID: <identifier> <version> [serialno]
        Proposed in FSC-0046, this takes a stab at the tearline abuse,
        and puts "safe" information about the first mail processing
        software in the line. This could be message editors, mail
        scanners and other stuff. GoldED inserts this line, if the
        tearline is not "GoldED @Version".

    RFD: <id>
        Received For Distribution. A kludge inserted by one of the file
        announcement programs.

    REPLY: <replyaddress> <replyserialno>
        Proposed in FSC-0041, this is the MSGID: counterpart. When
        replying to a message with a MSGID:, the MSGID: of the
        original is renamed to REPLY:.

        Unknown kludge which looks suspiciously like the EID.

    SEEN-BY: <list of nodes>
        Defined in FTS-0004, this is a tool for finding dupe links and
        other structural faults in the net structures. Depending on
        the mail tosser, the seen-by's may or may not have a preceding
        ^a character. Unfortunately the list of nodes is 2D
        (net/node), and this creates problems when exporting echomail
        across zones.

        Serial number inserted by the Dutchie message editor.

    TCL1:, TCL2: <long hex string>
        Obsolete swedish dupecheck/replylink kludge.

    TOPT <to point>
        Defined in FTS-0001, this tells the Point number of the
        destination. Netmail only. GoldED can generate this line.

    TZ <offset from UTC>
        Specifies the time to *add* to the header time to get the UTC
        (Universal Time Coordinated) time. Generated by newer versions
        of the TrackMail netmail processor.

    VIA: <netmail tossing info>
        Routed netmail messages usually gets a Via line for each node
        it passes through. This can be used for tracing faults in the
        netmail routing structure.

        Unknown kludge which looks suspiciously like the EID.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson