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A P P E N D I X   A   -   Attributes

    The letters in square brackets [], indicates the compatibility
    with message formats or major software.

    F - FLAGS kludge. (FrontDoor, D'Bridge).
    M - *.MSG format. (Fido, Opus etc).
    Q - QuickBBS format. (QuickBBS, RemoteAccess, SuperBBS).

    <attributes> =
        A/S : [F..] Archive Sent.
        ARQ : [.MQ] Audit Request.
        ATT : [FMQ] Attached File.
        CFM : [F..] Confirmation Request.
        CRA : [FMQ] Crash.
        DIR : [F..] Direct.
        FRQ : [FM.] File Request.
        HLD : [FM.] Hold.
        HUB : [F..] Hub/Host Route.
        IMM : [F..] Immediate.
        K/S : [FMQ] Kill Sent.
        KFS : [F..] Delete File Sent.
        LOC : [.MQ] Local (always on by default).
        LOK : [F..] Locked.
        ORP : [.M.] Orphan.
        PVT : [FMQ] Private.
        RCV : [.MQ] Received.
        RRC : [.MQ] Return Receipt.
        RRQ : [FMQ] Return Receipt Request.
        SNT : [.MQ] Sent.
        TFS : [F..] Truncate File Sent.
        TRS : [.M.] Transit.
        URQ : [.M.] Update File Request.
        XMA : [F..] XMail.
        ZON : [F..] Zonegate Route.

    NOTE: Currently not all the FLAGS attributes are supported
    completely by FrontDoor or D'Bridge.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson