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T H E   H A R D L I N E   F E A T U R E

    This section relates only to the use of an *external* editor.

    Like all message editors that allows the use of external text
    editors for writing messages, GoldED must deal with the problem of
    free-flowing text paragraphs versus hard-cr-terminated lines.

    Most text editors terminate *all* lines with a carriage return
    (CR, 13d, 0Dh). Unless you use a fairly short right margin in the
    text editor, those lines can be very annoying to quote if the
    quotemargin is shorter. This usually results in "ragged" quotes,
    with a long quoteline alternating with a short leftover. This
    looks bad, and requires a lot of work to edit to a respectable

    To solve this problem, GoldED treats the file from the text editor
    just as if text blocks doesn't have any hard-cr's in them - it
    "reflows" the text. Of course, this immediately creates another
    problem: If you include a clipping from a log file, source code,
    table or other stuff that *requires* the text block to be aligned
    with itself. Those blocks would become scrambled and unreadable.

    GoldED recognizes a special control string, that tells the
    reflowing code to put hard-cr's on single lines or groups of
    lines. You define the string with the keyword "Hardline" in the
    configuration file. Here is an example of the use of the hardline
    string (in the example "<<"):

        ==== Log Cut ====
        ----------  Thu 28 Mar 91
        + 22.24.31  Event 0-@
        - 22.24.42  Preparing outbound mail
        = 22.58.47  RING
        = 22.58.55  CONNECT 2400
        + 22.59.02  Incoming call at 2400 baud
          22.59.03  Sending text in BANNER.TXT
        ==== Log Cut ====

    In this example, the hardline string on the lines before and after
    the cutting tells the reflow code, that all those lines must the
    hard-cr terminated. The hardline string must be the only
    characters on the line, and it must be placed on the *first*
    position. The reflow code looks for <string><cr>. The hardline
    string works as a "toggle".

    The hardline string also has another use: If you put the string as
    the last characters on a line, that line will also be hard-cr
    terminated. Example:

            Odinn Sorensen<<

    The last << in this example was not really nescessary, because a
    blank line always ends the preceeding line or paragraph with a

    hard-cr. In any case, the hardline string is stripped off before
    the message is saved.

    Some lines are by definition always hard-cr terminated, and does
    not need hardline strings. Those lines are quoted lines and
    control lines like kludges, tearlines and originlines. In
    addition, three identical characters at the beginning of a line
    also terminates the preceeding paragraph.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson