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M A C R O S   A N D   K E Y S T A C K I N G

    GoldED has a fairly simple keyboard macro facility, which you can
    use to automate certain common operations. A keystacking facility
    allows to create simple automatic macros on the fly.

    Macro definition

    The macro definition syntax is modelled after the syntax used in
    the QEdit text editor:

        <assignment-key> Macro <commands or keys>

    Macros are defined in the GOLDED.KEY file, where you can also find
    several examples.

    Using the word "Auto" as <assignment-key>, you can even define a
    special macro which will be automatically executed when you start


    Keystacking is a special form of auto-macros. You simply specify a
    bunch of keys to be "stacked" in the (special internal) keyboard
    buffer for sequential execution.

    You can either specify a default set of keystacking in the .CFG
    configuration file, or override any default keystacking by typing
    the keystack definitions at the GoldED commandline or the GEDCMD
    environment variable.

    See the Key Reference below for a list of the key symbols you can
    use in macros and keystacking.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson