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    EDITabort              <Esc>
       Abort editing this message - ask first.

    EDITanchor             <Alt-A>
       Set a block "anchor" on the current line.

    EDITaskexit            <Alt-X>
       Exit from GoldED - ask first.

    EDITcut                <Alt-C>
       "Cut" the current block to the Cut'n'Paste buffer.

    EDITdelchar            <Del>
       Delete the character at the cursor position.

    EDITdeleteeol          <Alt-K>, <Alt-Y>
       Delete from cursor position to end of line.

    EDITdelleft            <BackSpace>
       Delete the character to the left of the cursor position.

    EDITdelline            <Alt-D>, <Ctrl-Y>
       Delete the current line. (Copied to the Killbuffer).

    EDITdelltword          <Ctrl-BackSpace>, <Ctrl-F5>
       Delete the word to the left of the cursor.

    EDITdelrtword          <Ctrl-T>, <Ctrl-F6>
       Delete the word to the right of the cursor.

    EDITdosshell           <Alt-O>
       Shell to DOS.

    EDITdupline            <F4>
       Duplicates the current line.

    EDITexitmsg            (no default)
       Drop this message - NO ASKING! DANGEROUS!

    EDITexporttext         <Alt-W>
       Export block to a file.

    EDITgobegline          <Home>
       Move cursor to beginning of line.

    EDITgobotline          <Ctrl-End>
       Move cursor to the bottom line in the display.

    EDITgobotmsg           <Ctrl-PgDn>
       Move cursor to the last line in the message.

    EDITgodown             <Down>
       Move cursor down to next line.

    EDITgoeol              <End>
       Move cursor to the end of the line.

    EDITgoleft             <Left>
       Move cursor one position left.

    EDITgopgdn             <PgDn>
       Move cursor one page of lines down.

    EDITgopgup             <PgUp>
       Move cursor one page of lines up.

    EDITgoright            <Right>
       Move cursor one position right.

    EDITgotopline          <Ctrl-Home>
       Move cursor to the top line in the display.

    EDITgotopmsg           <Ctrl-PgUp>
       Move cursor to the first line in the message.

    EDITgoup               <Up>
       Move cursor up to the previous line.

    EDITgowordleft         <Ctrl-Left>, <Alt-Left>
       Move cursor to the previous word.

    EDITgowordright        <Ctrl-Right>, <Alt-Right>
       Move cursor to the next word.

    EDITheader             <Alt-H>
       Change attributes.

    EDITimporttext         <Alt-I>, <Alt-R>, <F3>
       Import text file into this message.

    EDITloadfile           <F8>
       Loads the message file saved with EDITsavefile.

    EDITnewline            <Enter>
       Terminate paragraph and/or add a new line.

    EDITpaste              <Alt-P>
       "Paste" a previously "Cut" block at the cursor position.

    EDITquitnow            <Ctrl-Q>
       Quit GoldED immediately - no asking.

    EDITsavefile           <F7>
       Saves the current message as a file.

    EDITsavemsg            <Alt-S>, <F2>
       Save this message.

    EDITspellcheck         <F9>
       Calls an external spell checker for the current message.

    EDITtab                <Tab>
       Add spaces to the next tab-stop.

    EDITtogglecase         <Alt-3>
       Toggle the case of the cursor character.

    EDITtoggleinsert       <Ins>
       Toggle insert mode.

    EDITtolower            <Alt-2>
       Change the cursor character to lowercase.

    EDITtoupper            <Alt-1>
       Change the cursor character to uppercase.

    EDITundelete           <Ctrl-U>
       Undelete previously deleted lines.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson