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R A N D O M   S Y S T E M

    With the GoldED Random System, you can define a number of Origins,
    netnames, tearlines (if you are registered), templates and
    usernames for each conference.

    As in the configuration file, semicolons begins comments and blank
    lines can be used for better readability.

    The GoldED Random System is built on the idea of "groups". A group
    is a collection of "items", relevant for the group.

    You can assign one or more echomail areas, designated by their
    echotags (as seen in AREAS.BBS etc) to a group. In this way, you
    could for example use one group for all national echos, another
    for special local echos, and a third for international echos etc.

    In the random file, a semicolon in the first column makes the line
    a comment, which is ignored. Blank lines are also ignored.

    Defining Groups

    Group definitions start with a group "label" ending in a colon.
    The group label can be placed on any position of the line, but for
    readability, it is recommended to put it at the first column. On
    the lines following the label, you list all the items that belong
    in the group. The item list ends, when a new group label is
    encountered, or the end of the file is reached. Group labels are
    not case-sensitive.

    Items start with a special character, followed by the item
    definition. Items can be indented freely for better readbility.
    Currently supported items are:

    - Tearline              (Editor/mail software identifier)
    * Origin                (The "system name")
    # Netname               (Should be short)
    $ Template              (Filename of editor message template)
    = Username[, Address]   (Name/address to use in the group)
    + <Special>             (Area specific configuration)

    <Special> =
        A<attribs>, F<findstring>, O<outputfile>, T<showtwits>,
        V<hidd/klud=yes/no>, W<whoto>, X<exportcharset>.

    If more than one item of the same type is defined within the same
    group, items will be picked randomly from the possible choices.

    By enclosing the item definition in quotes "" or '', you can force
    leading or trailing spaces in the item.

    The items may be listed in any order.

    NOTE: Tearline definition is only available to REGISTERED USERS!

    Assigning echos to groups

    Echos need to be assigned to the appropriate group before they can
    be used. That is done with statements of this syntax:

    Label = [{]echoname[<sep>echoname][<sep>echoname][}]

    The "{}" are only needed if the assignments need to be split over
    a number of lines. Note! Echonames on lines with '{' or '}' are
    ignored! Each echoname must be separated by at least one
    separation/whitespace character. Separation characters are: Space,
    Tab, Comma and Semicolon.

    DO NOT assign the same echo to more than one group.

    It is also possible to assign items directly to echos. In that
    case, you just replace the Group label with the actual echoname
    (with no trailing colon).

    There is a special group, which all echos with no group will be
    automatically assigned to: "Default:".

    See the included GOLDED.RAN for examples.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson