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H E L P   S Y S T E M

    GoldED has a built-in context sensitive help system, tied to the
    <F1> key. It contains a complete keyboard reference and help for
    most situations. It is current not as complete or sophisticated as
    I'd like it myself, but this will be improved in future versions.

    You can completely redefine the help screens if you wish - the
    GOLDED.HLP file is a text file which contains all help definition.
    es. The help file is split into several help categories. Here is
    an example of a couple of defined help categories:

        *B 1,Help Category 1
         help text help text help text
         help text help text help text
         help text help text help text
         help text help text help text
         help text help text help text
         help text help text help text

        *B 2,Help Category 2
         help text help text help text
         help text help text help text
         help text help text help text
         help text help text help text
         help text help text help text
         help text help text help text
         Also see:    Help Category 1

    The "*B" indicator specifies the beginning of a help category. The
    format is "*B helpcatnumber[,helpcatname]". In GoldED the help
    categories are numbered 1000-9999, split into more or less logical
    groups. See the help file for assignments. There should be only
    one space between the "*B" and the help category number. The help
    category name is only required for cross-references. If there are
    no cross-references to that help category, then you can leave the
    helpcatname parameter out.

    The "*P" indicator specifies a page break and is optional. You may
    have as many page breaks as you'd like. The "*E" indicator
    specifies the end of the help category. The "*B", "*P", and "*E"
    indicators must all begin in the first column. These indicators
    and the help category name are case insensitive (can be in
    lowercase, uppercase, or mixed).

    In the definition of Help Category 2, you will notice the
    cross-reference to Help Category 1. All cross-referencing is done
    by embedding the cross- reference category name (not number)
    inside carats (). If you need to display a carat inside the help
    file, use a double carat (^).

    Any text contained outside of the "*B" and "*E" will be treated as
    comments. If an "*E" is not found, then the end-of-file will be

    treated as an "*E".

    The help file is compiled to an indexed version by GoldLANG.

    Not all of the help categories in this help file are actually used
    in the current version of GoldED. The ones not used are empty,
    except for a two-line "header".

    The usable dimensions of the help window are 60 columns by 16
    lines. In the help file, there is a model of the actual window.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson