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    The *.CHS files
    These files are used for import and export translation of the
    CHARSET character sets, and export of I51 and Composed escape

    The CHS files uses the format of the raw text files provided in
    the CHARSET3.ZIP example implementation of FSC-0054.003. Study
    some of the files provided if you want to know how to define them.

    *** The format of this file is probably *NOT* stable! (at least in
        my implementation...)

    The two keywords ESCSET and CHARSET are used to define which files
    belong to what import and export set. You can define more than one
    import and export set for each file.

    The keyword LOCALCHARSET defines which charset you have on your
    own machine - this would normally be "IBMPC", and should not be

    The keyword EXPORTCHARSET and Random System item X<charset>
    defines the charset your messages should be exported to, if any.

    Confused? Yeah, I know - this is a confusing subject, and my
    implementation and documentation is not perfect. Normally you will
    not have to worry about it.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson