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        Q:      All of my FORCE TSR's are taking up 80k+ of memory.  Is
        there anything I can do to cut that down?

        A:      Not really.  FORCE TSR's were built to be bullet proof,
        allowing them to be called in almost any situation.  However,
        that's a lot of ground to cover, hence the inordinately large
        memory sizes.  We have considered this carefully, and we've
        decided that a solution would be impractical until the next
        revision.  The next version will feature better dynamic memory
        management which in turn will allow TSRs to be much more frugal
        with regards to their memory usage.

See Also: General Miscellaneous Third_party Error_messages Optimizing/debugging Other_linkers/compilers
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson