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        Q:              Is FORCE compatible with XxX brand assembler?

        A:              Given the unique nature of Assembly Language, FORCE should be
        compatible with nearly all Assemblers.  However, I can only say for
        sure that FORCE is compatible with MicroSoft's MASM and Borland's
        TASM, the reason being that those are the only assemblers with
        which I've tested (also, all of FORCE and its library were
        developed with those two assemblers).

        Q:              Is FORCE compatible with XxX brand assembler linkers?

        A:              Of linkers, I can only say that MicroSoft's LINK.EXE
        (versions 3.65 and lower) and Borland's TLINK.EXE (versions 2.0 and
        lower) will work with FORCE.  Blink Inc's BLINKer works also, and
        I've heard that Zortech's BLINK.EXE (no relation to Blink Inc) works
        also, but I can't confirm that last.  Any others, and you're on your
        own, though     I can tell you that Borland's TLINK version 3.0 and 4.0
        will NOT work.

See Also: General Parameter_passing
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