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 ADBUS               998-2804 V+ 12-24    Database systems tech support & files
 All on File         439-7355 VR  3-24    Unlimited downloads, shop online
 ARTLINK(tm)         377-2115 V+  3-24    Visual art information service
 Atlanta Chat Line   922-2428 V$  3-12    12 line chat system
 Atlanta Connection  929-0800 VR  3-24    General, net, many confs     (133/205)
 Atlanta Rat Maze    998-0326 V   3-24    Nirvana and Feudal doors, BBX.news
 AV-Sync Atlanta     320-6202 V$  3-24  M No games or ads, special interest
 Big Peach           446-6650 VR 12-96 HV Home of Automenu(tm), 3 nodes
 BlackHawk           248-1198 V   3-24  M BBS started as an educational exercise
 Cam's Outhouse      461-5449 V   3-96 UM 7a-7p; Message-based system/GT-net
 Cider City          840-7750 V+  3-96 HM Apple ][ and Mac tech support
 Data Dimension, The 921-1186 V+  3-144UM Files, Interlink, Adult (.GIF/.GL)
 DataStar 2          928-0586 V+  3-24  M Hottest Adult BBS system in Atlanta
 Dentistry Today     587-2362 V  12-24    Open to public with dental interests
 Discovery           427-6871 V+ 12-96 UM Supports Amiga & IBM, Ladies section
 Fortress OverMind   659-5720 VR  3-192TV The HQ of Fortress S/W Development
 Future Shock        460-0325 V+  3-144UV Tech Support/Msgs/PC & Mac utilities
 Gary&Heather's BBS  244-7059 V+  3-24    Creative Sexual Energy from Heather
 GonZoLand           974-5767 V+  3-144UM Adult message bases
 Gwinett Hospitality 962-6820 V  12-144UM RIME Hub - Mensa and Pick Host
 HomeWorld           248-1186 V+  3-24    Collection of BBS support files
 Hotlanta (Alspaugh) 321-5586 V+ 12-144UM 50+ doors, the most ADULT graphics
 Hotlanta BBS (Deen) 992-5345 V$  3-96 NM Adult only system, online chats
 Lawyers Corner      671-0185 V   3-12    8a-8p;Database of the GA state bar
 Mark's Machine      978-1011 V  12-24    Lots of files,door games,rock climbing
 Milo's Meadow       972-3458 V+  3-24    IBM general, QuickBBS, HAM radio
 NEW Network, The    822-4777 VR  3-24    Magick, Wicca, Cobra-net
 NICL                971-8016 V$ 12-24    National Investigative Computer Link
 OASis BBS           627-2662 V+  3-144UV Contact point for the OAS and ABBL
 Old Glory PCExpress unknown! #$ 12-96 HM **DOWN** pending a move...
 Online With Hayes   446-6336 VR  3-96 HV SIGs, files, technical support
 Opus Visions 3-D    355-5625 V  12-96 UM General, echos, files, games
 PC Express BBS      498-8398 V  12-96 HM IBM compatables, adult conference
 Phoenix & Dragon    252-4540 -   3-24    9p-9a;Support Phoenix&Dragon Bookstore
 Plexus              768-0990 VR 12-96 MV IBM and compatables only
 Robots R4U          978-7300 V   3-24    Hobby Robotics RBBS
 Rock & Roll Atlanta 982-0960 V  12-24    Broadcasting & media based, few files
 Running Wild !!!    279-0717 V+ 12-24    Looking for articulate people
 Seeker's            633-2482 V+  3-24    Conversational system, text files only
 Sierra Club         634-0304 VR  3-96 UV Sierra Club Online (Georgia Chapter)
 Software Shop BBS   964-4483 V$  3-24    Files, door, IBM/clones
 Southern Crescent   366-1436 V   3-24    230+ live doors online;echomail;files
 Southern Mansion    662-5965 #+  3-96 HM SmartNet echoing is back--take a look!
 Sunrise-80 BBS      256-9525 V+  3-24    Message bases, doors, files
 Teletext            329-4872 V   3-24  M Desktop Publishing; IBM, Macintosh
 Wimsey Games        255-8646 VR  3-24    Online games, chat, messages, files
 Wizard's Castle     921-8900 V   3-144UM AT&T SIG, files, doors
 Woodstock BBS       926-0905 VR  3-96 UM Files,80 doors,msgs,u/d's,autoverifier
 Art&Music           739-1858 V   3-24    A forum for the CREATIVE crowd.
 Dickens Data System 242-0670 V  12-192TV IBM RS6000, PS/2, and A/IX Support
 Entrepreneurs       618-7000 V$  3-24  M Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses
 Grand Central BBS   396-0431 V+ 12-24    One stop "shopping" with train theme.
 RHS BBS             642-8703 V  12-24    Hoping to become a big gaming board
 War Zone, The       501-9187 V+ 12-24    doors,files,msgs... come start a war!
 W.A.S.P.            920-2219 V+  3-24    Confs:  Ham, Swapshop, Computer, Adult
 8-bit Tar Pit       388-7482 V   3-24    Messages, games, files (Atari & IBM)
 99er                991-6250 V   3-12    TI-99/4A users, all others welcome
 ACCUG               565-2977 V   3-24    Atlanta Color Computer Users Group
 ACS BBS             636-2991 V   3-24    CoCo and OS/9 support for ACS members
 Aerodrome           822-0620 VR 12-24    Supports Commodore Amiga
 AESC                381-1947 V+  3-96 F  Smart Users Group of Georgia
 Aion QBBS, The      640-9670 V+ 12-24    New age/metaphysical topics and files
 American Megatrends 446-3665 V  12-24    Support for AMI products and users
 AMUG                972-3389 VR  3-24    Atlanta Macintosh Users Group
 Arch Mage BBS       552-0266 V   3-24    Devoted to online games!
 ASA BBS             985-0408 V   3-12    Astronomy ONLY BBS
 Atlanta Exchange    921-4395 V+ 12-24    We specialize in Clipper, dBase
 Atlanta Med Forum   351-9757 V   3-24    Medical topics and files
 Atlanta Radio Club  850-0546 #   3-24    Ham radio oriented, VHF/UHF confs.
 AutoCAD             633-2197 V   3-12    AutoCAD and ASCE support
 Bare Bones          987-3972 V   3-96 UM IBM PCs including PCjr       (133/305)
 Beacon BBS          985-9440 VR  3-12    A Commodore board to help new users
 Biker Bob's BBS     426-7650 V   3-24    Biker Bob's is here for FUN !!!
 Birds Nest          751-0252 V   3-24    Tandy 1000 and MS-DOS support
 Bulletronics        396-3630 V  12-24    IBM "shareware" BBS
 Candy Shoppe, The   997-1747 V$ 12-96 UM Adult oriented graphics files
 Carmilla's Crypt    921-4413 V+ 12-24    9p-9a; Adults -- 16 and up ONLY
 CBS Online          924-8593 V   3-12    All welcome, conferences
 Center of Universe  396-8428 V   3-24    Lovecraftian oriented BBS
 Centurion Opus      296-9681 V   3-96 UM Centurion Software Corp      (133/302)
 Clubhouse           948-4584 V  12-24    Lots of files, over 50 online games
 Columbus World      590-8192 V   3-12    Featuring StarFleet Battles
 Comm Host BBS, The  892-4729 V+  3-24    An online game and file oriented BBS
 Compu-Finder Atl    451-3463 V   3-96 U  Commercial advertising BBS
 Computer Joe's BBS  270-9411 V+ 12-24    Files & tech support for contributors
 Connection BBS      434-8523 V   3-24    IBM and Macintosh
 DataStar 1          739-7320 V+  3-144UV Extensive adult files available
 DataTrek WWIV       594-8426 V+  3-24    NEW AND BURNING UP THE TOWN, Join in!!
 DCA Connection      740-8428 V  12-144UV formerly the Crosstalk Comm BBS
 DeBellis Computer   973-2401 V   3-24    Msg base for computer questions, files
 Decibel BBS         288-6858 V$ 12-96 UM MS-DOS, CP/M, 6794+ files
 Dialog!             998-4775 V+  3-24    Messages of brilliance
 Disk-Pak            971-3768 V  12-144UM Specializing in hi-rez graphics
 Dr Disk & Diskettes 565-4258 V  12-144UM Over 1900 files, doors, online games
 Education Center    924-7963 V+  3-24    Conversation/doors/some files--Family
 Entrepot            363-3569 V+  3-24    Everyone welcome
 Escape from Atlanta 512-0206 V+  3-24    Totally free, full privs on first call
 Far Side RBBS, The  874-3772 V  12-24  M IBM,Amiga,Commodore-files,doors,msgs
 Flagship BBS        968-8460 V   3-24    Message BBS - Great conversations
 Flagship Express    934-4515 V$ 12-96 UM IBM's only, no 300 baud users
 Foundation, The     977-0420 V+ 12-24    A free, no-rules BBS
 FTL BBS             292-8761 V+  3-24    Space, SF, NASA, writers discussions
 Game Room BBS, The  988-0314 V   3-24    Specializing in games for IBMs/clones
 Garden of Eden BBS  256-0204 V+  3-24    now featuring over 95 doors
 Ghost Ridder BBS    994-7210 V+  3-24  M MS-DOS and Tandy support, hints
 Googaplex           457-1944 V   3-24    Over 25 online games, netmail, & echo
 Gospel Outreach BBS 489-0254 V   3-12    Christian BBS
 H.A.B.I.T.S.        933-9531 VR 12-24    Supporting the IBM and Atari ST
 Ham's BBS           363-1640 V   3-24    HAM oriented
 Hangar 15           636-2136 V  12-96 HM Telegard's Southeastern Beta Site!
 Haunte, The         943-5436 V+ 12-24    Many doors, and many message bases!
 Heath/Zenith BBS    252-4345 VR  3-24    Heath Users Group
 HI-POWERED BBS      491-9408 V   3-24    Recovery BBS for 12-Step programs (AA)
 Hi-Tech Liquidators 449-4020 V   3-24    Owned by High Tech Liquidators
 IBM PCUG Support    835-6600 V   3-96 HM IBM support center for PC user groups
 Iconian Gateway     426-1941 V   3-24  M Programming oriented (Cobra-NET)
 Illuminet           377-1141 V   3-24    UFO's, conspiracy, paranormal
 Index System I      951-1540 V+  3-96 ?  Lots of echos, bbs list, and chat mode
 I/O Connection      446-8044 VR  3-24    Atari 8/16, all welcome
 Jackets' Nest, The  992-9861 V   3-24    Good gamers board
 JDyx Unix Board     321-5020 V+ 12-192T  Unix support, Usenet news, UUCP
 JOBBS!              992-8937 V   3-12    Job searches
 Lair BBS            974-5767 VR  3-24    Adult only BBS, lots of fun
 Lanta Systems       451-0202 V  12-24  M CATV/SMATV, Wireless Cable/Contractors
 Le Chateau          593-3210 V$  3-24    For open minded adults
 Logic Board         325-8476 V   3-24    General, games, miscellaneous
 mAdHoUsE            964-3043 V   3-24    Register by mail for access
 Maiden Voyage       985-5632 V+  3-24    RPG, online games, adult message base
 Manor BBS           432-8330 V   3-12    Commodore, open system
 Marietta BBS        425-2718 V+ 12-96 UM IBM and ST support
 Maximum Security    729-9193 V   3-24    Maximum Security Online
 MedStat             728-0452 V   3-96 UM Medically related BBS with echomail
 Mel-Har-Rhythm BBS  378-4410 V   3-24    7p-7a; Support IBM, general, for-sale
 Memory Prime BBS    808-8606 V   3-24    Messages, files, no doors
 Metropolis BBS      879-5919 V   3-24    GREAT message areas..CALL!
 Midnite Hacker's    578-0998 V+  3-24  M Hack away my friend
 Mystery Mansion     487-3211 VR  3-24    IBM, Apple, and Commodore
 NASPA SE            279-8936 VR 12-96 H  Comm, National & Local Echos (133/301)
 N.U.T.S. BBS        425-8212 V+ 12-24    Buy/Sell, technical, and debates
 Out of Phaze        843-1973 V   3-96 UM Games, local and echoed message bases
 Paradise Lost       934-6811 V  12-24  M Environmental discussions & related
 Paul's Place        879-9223 V+  3-24    General info, family oriented
 PC After Hours      422-8884 V   3-24    IBM, conferences and files
 PC-Connection BBS   985-4022 V  12-144UM 100 conferences (Interlink/Metrolink)
 PC Exchange         977-6686 V+  3-96 UM All computer types and bauds welcome
 PC Forum, Atlanta   294-0237 V$  3-96 UM IBM-PC only
 PC Plus             762-0923 V   3-24    IBM, sysops, airplane pilots
 PC Users Group      879-5985 V$  3-144UM Contact point for the PC Users Group
 PCjr Workshop       740-1916 V   3-24    Support for the IBM PCjr
 Play House          929-0678 V   3-24    Adult oriented
 Practical BBS       941-0257 V+  3-24    The Serious Users BBS
 Psychology Online   252-8810 VR  3-24    Conference oriented
 RAZOR's Edge BBS    257-0647 V  12-24    Step right in & fill her up with files
 Right Place, The    476-2607 VR  3-96 UM PC/MS-DOS language support
 Rockdale Force      483-0794 V$  3-24    IBM clones and Amigas welcome, files
 SAMBo               473-6426 V   3-3     M-100 and NEC 8201 laptops
 Scan Atlanta        763-4369 V   3-24    Scanner freqs, ham radio
 Sci-Atl Radio Club  925-5487 V   3-24    Ham radio oriented (GARS, ARES, SAARC)
 (15 min left), (H)elp, More? .[29D.[KSemWare Support BBS 641-8968 V+ 12-144UM Home of QEdit!
 Shack, The          425-5916 V+  3-24    Come and see WELCOME to ALL !!!!
 ShadowFax           458-2954 -+  3-24    Political discussions, online games
 Share A Byte        994-1279 VR  3-96 UM IBM, general, X-rated
 ShareWare South     378-7914 V   3-24    5 lines, 455 megs, PC general interest
 Sharp Tech Support  962-1788 VR  3-24    PC-Mag/PC-Tech language & H/W help
 Slow Boat           578-1691 VR  3-24    IBM support, 50+ confs, games, files
 Smugglers Haven     925-8829 V   3-12    Online role playing games
 Software House      968-1826 V+  3-96 MM IBM and compatables, doors
 Software Link       263-8772 V   3-24    IBM's with Multi-Link
 Southern Connection 446-6269 V$  3-24    TRS-80, MS-DOS               (133/203)
 Spaceport Deva      968-9755 VR  3-24    Large collection of doors
 SRU!                333-0319 VR  3-24    Spilman Resources Unlimited!
 Star Light          739-1329 V   3-24    Old board just gone Amiga
 StarNet II          393-4136 V  12-96 HM IBM PC, Mac, CoCo, and echomail
 StarTrek Convention 487-1376 VR  3-96 UM Star Trek discussions
 Swamp BBS           296-6038 V   3-96 UM Supports IBM and Amiga computers
 Swizzle Stick       843-3610 V   3-24    Macintosh echomail and chat  (133/110)
 System Support BBS  261-1312 V+ 12-144UM Support for MS-DOS hw/sw and sysops
 Tatoo-U             888-0075 V   3-24    11p-8a;The only tatoo BBS in the world
 Technology Toolbox  985-5137 V+  3-24    Technical information & assistance
 TELCOM-80           995-0144 V   3-24    Supports PC's, TRS-80, portables, etc.
 Terminus BBS        939-2143 V   3-24    C-64/128, IBM, Amiga, games, U/Ds, Fun
 Time Lock BBS       361-8431 V+ 12-24    Files, msgs (adults only need apply)
 Tomcat BBS          957-5927 V+  3-24    Doors, files, msg areas, adult section
 Top of the Rock BBS 476-8687 V   3-24    Amateur Radio/SWL/Scanning oriented
 Total Recall BBS    920-0621 V   3-24    For programmers and addiction support
 Tower of Power      942-4834 V+  3-24    Very good adult VGA section
 Trojan Connection   998-6006 V   3-24    This is a conversation oriented BBS
 USS Republic BBS    664-1075 V   3-96 UM Treknet, Fidonet, STARFLEET, Mac files
 VM/370 User Board   378-7046 VR  3-24    VM/370 users only
 Westfield Express   435-8122 V+ 12-96 H  Tandy 1000 support
 Wild BBS            368-8738 V   3-24    Wild Leitz

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson