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505202230003.SPCP      UTAS       UTAS
505233430001           DITMELB    CSIRO
50523343000301         MELBOURNE  University of Melbourne - VAX X

505272223015           QIT        EDU.QIT
505273720000           UQXA       University of Queensland
                                 ANF-10  gateway
5052737200001          UQKL10     University of Queensland
50527372000090         WOMBAT     University of Queensland
50527372000094         UQVAX      University of Queensland
505282720012           FLINDERS   EDU.FLINDERS
50528622004            SAIT       EDU.SAIT
505320000000           MINERVA    MINERVA Mail service

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson