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   sf_cua_progress_v   Functions display a vertical progress bar

    procedure sf_cua_progress_v prototype
      parameters value long the_total,;
                 value long the_current,;
                 value int the_row,;
                 value int the_col,;
                 value int the_length,;
                 value byte progress_std_color,;
                 value byte progress_enhcd_color,;
                 value int window_color

     The progress functions display a vertical progress bar in the given
     colors etc.


     for cnt = 0 to 5000
       sf_cua_progress_h( 5000, cnt, 10, 10, 50, &WHITE_BLUE, &CUA_WHITE )

     For the vertical progress you must define two colors.  The easiest
     manner is to flip the first color.  For example &WHITE_BLUE and

See Also: sf_cua_progress_h
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