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   sf_cua_text_line    Display of a text line with highlighted characters

    procedure sf_cua_text_line prototype
      parameters const char the_string,;
                 value int lr,;
                 value int lc,;
                 value byte the_normal,;
                 value byte the_highlight,;
                 value int fill_length

    Allows easy display of a text line with highlighted characters.  In the
    following example 'H' and 'W' will appear highlighted in &WHITE_RED and
    all other characters will appear in &WHITE_BLUE.  Fill_length is the
    length of the line beginning at lr, lc that will be filled with


    sf_cua_text_line( "Hello World", 10, 10, &WHITE_BLUE, &WHITE_RED, 0 )

See Also:
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