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   sf_cua_browse    Allows the browsing of a DBF file

 *  function long sf_cua_browse prototype
      parameters alias dbf_alias,;
                 value int lr,;
                 value int lc,;
                 value int rr,;
                 value int rc,;
                 const char( 11 ) field_array[ 0 ],;
                 untyped header_array[ 0 ],;
                 value int max_fields,;
                 const logical display_only,;
                 const logical return_on_key,;
                 const char field_delimit,;
                 value int window_color,;
                 const char header_string,;
                 value int header_color,;
                 value int dbf_header_color,;
                 value long beginning_record,;
                 const logical use_handler,;
                 untyped exception_handler

    Sf_browse() allows the browsing of a DBF file by only passing the
    alias.  The max_fields parameters refers to the number of elements
    in the field_array[] and header_array[] ( which should always be
    the same number ).  Field_delimit is the character to place between
    each field during the browse, and dbf_header_color is the color value
    used for the field titles passed by header_array[].  Beginning_record
    specifies the record initially displayed.

    Sf_browse() allows various types of browsing.  For example, you may
    pass "" as the field_array[] parameter and sf_browse() will read/use
    all the fields in the DBF file.  Additionally, you may pass "" as the
    header_array[] parameter and sf_browse() will read/use the actual
    field titles as the field header string.  If you pass either/both
    of these arrays as "", you may apt to pass max_fields as 0 which will
    allow sf_browse() to use all the fields in the DBF structure, or as
    a lower number which will limit sf_browse() to that number of fields.

    See the example program: BDEMO.PRG

    NOTE:  Since you may have an active index, giving a beginning record
           of 1 may not put you to the top of the DBF file.  If you pass
           a -1 for beginning record, the browse will go to the top.

    NOTES: Fields longer than the window will not display.
           Your field_array[] elements ( if included ) must be char( 11 ).

    UPDATE: The current version of SF_BROWSE() supports the following

            1. Correct date format
            2. Correct memo format
            3. CTRL-RTARROW to jump to the last field
            4. CTRL-LFARROW to jump to the first field
            5. Programmer may pass .t. to use_handler and the
               exception_handler procedure of their choice.

See Also:
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