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    SUBSTR() extracts a specified number of characters from a character


    SUBSTR(<expC>,<expN1> [,<expN2>]


    <expC> is the source character string.  The maximum character string
    that you can take a substring of is 65,535 (64K) bytes, the maximum
    character string size in Clipper.

    <expN1> is the starting position in the source string to begin the
    substring.  If the starting position is positive, it is relative to the
    leftmost character in the string.  If the starting position is
    negative, the starting position is relative to the rightmost character
    in the string.

    <expN2> is the number of characters to return.  If this argument is
    omitted, the substring begins the starting position and continues to
    the end of the string.  If it is larger than the number of characters
    from the starting position to the end of the string, it is ingored.


    A character string.


    SUBSTR() is useful when you want to display or print only a portion of
    a character string.

See Also: AT RAT
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson