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    TOTAL summarizes records by key value, sums specified numeric fields,
    and copies summary records to a second database file.


    TOTAL ON <key exp> [<scope>] [FIELDS <field list>] TO <file>/(<expC>)
    [FOR <condition>] [WHILE <condition>]


    <key exp> defines the group of records as encountered that produce a
    new record in the target database file.  To make the summarizing
    operation accurate, the source database file should be INDEXed or
    SORTed on the TOTAL key expression.

    <file> is the name of the target file to copy the summarized records.
    Unless otherwise specified, TOTAL assumes a (.dbf) extension.


    Fields: The FIELDS clause specifies the list of numeric fields to
    TOTAL.  If the FIELDS clause is not specified, no numeric fields are
    totaled.  Instead, each numeric field in the target file contains the
    value for the first record matching the key expression.

    Scope: The <scope> is the portion of the current database file to
    TOTAL.  The default is ALL.

    Condition: The FOR clause specifies the conditional set of records
    to TOTAL within the given scope.  The WHILE clause specifies the set of
    records meeting the condition from the current record until the
    condition fails.


    In Clipper, TOTAL has two modes depending on whether you specify a
    FIELDS clause or not.  If the FIELDS clause is specified, TOTAL sums
    the specified numeric fields to the target database file grouped by the
    specified key expression.  If, however, the FIELDS clause is not
    specified, TOTAL copies only records with unique keys to the target
    database file.  With this formulation, you can eliminate records with
    duplicate key values.

    The structure of the target database file Clipper creates is identical
    to the source except that memo fields are not copied.  Note that in
    order to successfully TOTAL numeric fields, the source numeric fields
    must be large enough to hold the largest total possible for that
    numeric field.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson