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  ROUND()           Returns unpredictable results.

  Clipper Version  1.29 dtd 04/15/91 (and Summer '87).

  Problem Statement

  The ROUND() function, like its predecessor in S'87, does not return
  the desired result, in certain cases.


  Work Around(s)

  The following function seems to do the trick:

  FUNCTION ROUNDIT(nNumber, nPlaces)
  nPlaces := IF( nPlaces == NIL, 0, nPlaces )
  RETURN IF(nNumber < 0.0, -1.0, 1.0) * ;
         INT( ABS(nNumber) * 10 ^ nPlaces + 0.50 + 10 ^ -12 ) / 10 ^ nPlaces

  FYI, here are some particularly unique numbers which do not Round() up.
    1.265   146.795   8.245   18.435   10.165   16.685
    1.025     4.645   8.155   35.105  286.335    4.515  4.225

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