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  COMPILER          Miscellaneous observations.

  Clipper Version  1.29 dtd 04/15/91.


  1) IF the /P parameter is used in SET CLIPPERCMD and in the command
  line, the result is no .ppo file.

  2) Reminder, per the manual, pg. 3-2, SET CLIPPERCMD or command line
  options MUST be separated by a space (or the remainder will be ignored).

  3) /O Compiler Option ( Programming and Utilities Guide, pg 3-10)
     If only a path is supplied, it must end with \.

  4) Compiler error documentation is incomplete; e.g., Fatal error 3039,
     phase error is not documented.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson