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  CLD               Debugger anomalies.

  Clipper Version  1.29 dtd 04/15/91.

  Problem Statement

  1) The debugger will indicate incorrect variable values following a
     PARAMETERS statement.

  2) The debugger will not return the values stored in cargo when the
     values are contained in a multi-dimensioned array; e.g:

        ? oTb:cargo[1,1]  no workee.

  3) The debugger returns the row/column in the debugger when queried,
     not the ROW() / COL() in the application.


  1 - 3 Unknown.

  Work Around(s)

  1) If possible, avoid using the PARAMETERS statement.

  2) & 3) Assign to a variable, then query the variable; e.g.;
                #ifdef TEST
                  aVar := oTb:cargo
          Then ? aVar[1,1] when in the debugger.

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