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  ALERT()           Miscellaneous Comments

  Clipper Version  1.29 dtd 04/15/91.

  Problem Statement

  a) ALERT()'s prompt is limited to 4 choices.

  b) There is an undocumented third parameter, cColorString, which may be
     a color pair such as "W/N".

  c) The environmental parameter, NOALERT, will prevent the display of
     any messages to be generated by this function.

  d) In general, this function should be used for error situations, only.
     It may have a detrimental effect on other screen environment settings
     (note that it cannot be contained by DISPBEGIN() / DISPEND()).


  a) -c) Documentation omission.

  d) N/A

  Work Around(s)

  a) - c) Annotate your documentation.

  d) Write your own ALERT() equivalent function.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson