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1) Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you
        take Hofstadter's Law into account."

2) Morton's Law: "If rats are experimented upon, they will develop cancer."

3) Epstein's Axiom: "With extremely few exceptions, nothing is worth
        the trouble."

4) Mathis' Rule: "It is bad luck to be superstitious."

5) Laura's Law: "No child throws up in the bathroom."

6) "If there is a opinion, facts will be found to support it."
                        -- Judy Sproles.

7) "Rich folks get more strokes."  -- Greg Beil.

8) "If A = B and B = C, then A = C except where void or prohibited by law".
                        -- Roy Santoro.

9) Preudhomme's Law of Window Cleaning: "It's on the other side."
                        -- Doug Preudhomme

10) "Anything that happens enough times to irritate you will happen at
        least once more."       -- Tom Parkins

11) Slick's Three Laws of the Universe: "(1) Nothing in the known universe
        travels faster than a bad check.  (2) A quarter-ounce of
        chocolate = four pounds of fat.  (3) There are two types of dirt:
        the dark kind, which is attracted to light objects, and the light
        kind, which is attracted to dark objects."
                                -- Ely Slick

12) The two laws of Frisbee: "(1) The most powerful force in the world is
        that of a disc straining to land under a car, just out of reach
        (this force is technically termed 'car suck');  (2) Never precede
        any maneuver by a comment more predictive than 'Watch this!'"

13) (Sam) Goldwyn's Law: "A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's
        printed on."

14)(Murray) Gell-Mann's Law: "Whatever isn't forbidden is required; thus, if
        there's no reason why something shouldn't exist, then it
        must exist."

15) (Mark) Twain's Rule: "Only kings, editors, and people with tapeworms
        have the right to use the editorial 'we'."

16) "Bodies in motion tend to remain in motion. Bodies at rest tend to
        remain in bed."         -- Dave Tewksbury

17) Hurewitz's Memory Principle: "The chance of forgetting something is
        directly proportional to....to....."
                                -- Lane Hurewitz

18) Corry's Law: "Paper is always strongest at the perforations."
                                -- Carolyn M. Corry

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson