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Mode Names:            AL = 002h
     CX  The mode number for the query.

     ES:BX --> a Pascal string containing the name

The MODE NAMES function is used to inquire about the ASCII form of the mode
number present in CX. The return value in ES:BX points to a Pascal string
describing the given mode. (Note: A Pascal, or _length_, string is a string
in which the first byte of data is the number of characters in the string,
followed by the string data itself.) To ease access to these strings from
C, the strings should be followed by a zero byte, although this zero byte
should not be included in the string length. The following is an example
of this format:

     NAME:      db      16, '1280 x 1024 Mode', 0

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson