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The Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) is a fast, compact, and
device-independent software package for graphics development built into the
Turbo Pascal, Turbo C, and Turbo Prolog language products. Device
independence is achieved via loadable device-specific drivers called from a
common Kernel. This document describes basic BGI functionality, as well as
the steps necessary to create new device drivers. Accompanying this
document are files containing sample code and other pertinent information.

File Name             File Description

BH.C                  BGI loader header building program source
BH.EXE                BGI loader header building program
DEVICE.INC            Structure and macro definition file
DEBVECT.ASM           Vector table for sample (DEBUG) driver
DEBUG.C               Main module for sample driver
MAKEFILE              Build file
BUILD.BAT             A batch file for MAKE-phobics

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson