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The Device Driver Vector Table

The routines in the device driver are accessed via a vector table.
This table is at the beginning of the driver and contains 16-bit
offsets to subroutines and configuration tables within the driver.
The format of the vector table is shown below.


        DW      INSTALL         ; Driver initialization and installation
        DW      INIT            ; Initialize device for output
        DW      CLEAR           ; Clear graphics device; get fresh screen
        DW      POST            ; Exit from graphics mode, unload plotter, etc
        DW      MOVE            ; Move Current Pointer (CP) to (X,Y)
        DW      DRAW            ; Draw Line from (CP) to (X,Y)
        DW      VECT            ; Draw line from (X0,Y0) to (X1,Y1)
        DW      EMULATE         ; Reserved, must contain Emulate vector
        DW      BAR             ; Filled 3D bar from (CP) to (X,Y)
        DW      PATBAR          ; Patterned rectangle from (X,Y) to (X1,Y1)
        DW      ARC             ; Define ARC
        DW      PIESLICE        ; Define an elliptical pie slice
        DW      FILLED_ELLIPSE  ; Draw a filled ellipse
        DW      PALETTE         ; Load a palette entry
        DW      ALLPALETTE      ; Load the full palette
        DW      COLOR           ; Set current drawing color/background
        DW      FILLSTYLE       ; Filling control and style
        DW      LINESTYLE       ; Line drawing style control
        DW      TEXTSTYLE       ; Hardware Font control
        DW      TEXT            ; Hardware Draw text at (CP)
        DW      TEXTSIZ         ; Hardware Font size query
        DW      RESERVED        ; Reserved
        DW      FLOODFILL       ; Fill a bounded region
        DW      GETPIX          ; Read a pixel from (X,Y)
        DW      PUTPIX          ; Write a pixel to (X,Y)
        DW      BITMAPUTIL      ; Bitmap Size query function
        DW      SAVEBITMAP      ; BITBLT from screen to system memory
        DW      RESTOREBITMAP   ; BITBLT from system memory to screen
        DW      SETCLIP         ; Define a clipping rectangle
        DW      COLOR_QUERY     ; Color Table Information Query
;       35 additional vectors are reserved for Borland's future use.
        DW      RESERVED        ; Reserved for Borland's use (1)
        DW      RESERVED        ; Reserved for Borland's use (2)
        DW      RESERVED        ; Reserved for Borland's use (3)
        DW      RESERVED        ; Reserved for Borland's use (33)
        DW      RESERVED        ; Reserved for Borland's use (34)
        DW      RESERVED        ; Reserved for Borland's use (35)
;       Any vectors following this block may be used by
;       independent device driver developers as they see fit.

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